Home Forums Ambush Alley Games Force on Force Who shoots first

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  • #137320
    Avatar photoPete

    Second question of the day.

    A non-initiative unit is making its move at the end of the turn.  It moves into a position to fire at an initiative unit that has already moved and fired.

    We do the reaction test and neither side throws above a 4.  Who fires first?

    The rules say the “initiative” unit fires first, but is this the unit whos side has initiative or the unit that is taking their turn?  My reading of the rules seems to say that it is the side that has initiative that fires first always no matter which side is actually making their moves.


    Avatar photomaggico

    My point is that the initiative unit fire first. To have the initiative must pay. At least, it’s how I play.

    Avatar photoPete

    Thanks, I agree it does seem to be what the rules say, even if it felt odd.

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