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  • in reply to: Aspern-Essling via Bloody Big Battles, an AAR #201947
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    Having no French nor Austrian couldn’t play this, but it has always thought its a very interesting battle.

    in reply to: Podcasts #201622
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    Another fantastic episode on 28th Gloucester Regiment of Foot

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #201613
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    Seems best to find pictures done in the period .

    I certainly would be disappointed if thousands of figures purchased were wrong

    in reply to: French 1809+ battalion in 15mm #201349
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    Nice to see 1=1 formation, I certainly could do that but would need to mix units.

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #201332
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    I see, I made mine Borodino 1812 and while have a couple units not conforming, that’s what I made and play with it.

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #201314
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    Why not the Guard Cossacks? If the cavalry wasn’t stripped out of the infantry corp before Borodino, the Guard Cossacks were the cavalry of the III Corp.

    I usually set up battles using my Borodino OOB, sometimes I put the cavalry back into the infantry corp.

    in reply to: It’s not just modellers, #201209
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    I strive for perfection, but good enough is good enough.

    Bet units painted by only information out of pi ctures in books at best, text at worse 40 years ago are bad. But would hope if someone was ever to play my opponent they could recognize what unit it was if they know the army. Actually at Historicon during a game a opponent wanted to know what my white coat unit was ( Westphalian) but wouldn’t tell him, you don’t know I shouldn’t tell you. He did find out in a minute or two.

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #200587
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    I try to scoop up any books on 1812 Russian Campaign,  maybe Bagration biology would be a good read next.

    Working on Waterloo Casualties now.

    in reply to: Podcasts #200577
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    The 4th one on British Household cavalry is up on 1st Kings Dragoons

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    Nice treasure trove, but finding my phone translates and tablet won’t, so using phone for words and tablet for pictures.

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #200253
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    Only in Kiev comes up Dragoons by 1812 and is dropped from the Cuirassiers well before then. Kiev as Cuirassiers should have yellow facings, well maybe never sure about anything

    in reply to: Podcasts #200059
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    Napoleonic Quarterly

    in reply to: Podcasts #200058
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    Napoleonic Wars podcast

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    Possibly infantry that’s green or disorganized, in a already weakened situation.  But the skirmish line in this time couldn’t keep up a fire rate that their triple or better odds isn’t going to move the skirmishers back.

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    Nice looking game, Not unlike my games here.

    I am tagged to play 2 Waterloo games on two days at Historicon,  can’t wait

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #199452
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    The white coat officer by rights would fit as a His Majesty Cuirassier, but would use him wherever needed Guards have lots of super numeracy officers who could in a pinch go anywhere.  The Borodino OOB has lots of officers not where they should be.

    in reply to: Napoleonic Naval – 1st June 1794 #199427
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    Though Napoleonic navy games are not in my gaming I was hoping someone got to play the Glorious 1st of June

    Very good game it looks

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #199312
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    I would leave them as is. Have a few 1807 Jager units in my basically 1812 army, did them years ago before decided to finish in 1812.

    Have a couple later units as well.

    Absolutely fantastic job on those jagers

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    I kick myself a lot for not learning Russian as a young man when I thought I should have tried to.

    in reply to: Representing Napoleonic Skirmishers… #198274
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    Besides Empire III that I play at home at conventions have played more Carnage and Glory mostly. They don’t use skirmish figures. Not really sure as yet to have a unit with skirmishes so it seems it’s a bonus to your unit and they can fire on you though invisible

    in reply to: Representing Napoleonic Skirmishers… #198117
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    Not sure what rules your playing but most recent Napoleonic Wargamer video is on Black Powder representation of skirmishes. On YouTube.

    I play Empire so single company’s are represented. But would think whatever bonuses might assume to be present would need to be kept track of. The video goes over this, and still maybe have a skirmishes figure could be on the stand.

    in reply to: A skirmish near the Berezina #197967
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    Looks like a good game

    in reply to: Wavre refight 28mm #197535
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    Fantastic report and looking game.

    It would be tough for French to outplay historical outcome,  but not impossible. Sometimes it’s just the die roll that could be the difference.

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    Closer than should be but was hoping for a French reversal

    Good looking game and scenario

    in reply to: Leipzig Refight Results and Analysis #196692
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    Looks like a fantastic effort, wish could have seen it in person.

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    Commendable effort, shame if you never got to play Empire in one of its forms. I play EIII and like it’s details.

    in reply to: Leipzig refight 28mm, 4pm update #196565
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    Nice treat seeing a video

    in reply to: Wars of Eagles and Empires #196343
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    Planning on at least 1 day at Historicon if not 2 so will look for a game.

    in reply to: Wars of Eagles and Empires #196303
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    Ohhhh, was asking about a version of Wars of Oz for Napoleonics at last convention in Lancaster Pa. Would love to try it at a convention. Actually think I brought up the possibility and one of guys running mentioned it’s in the works.

    in reply to: Saxon Chev and Uhlans painted 28mm #196130
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    Very impressive

    in reply to: Other Russian Matters #196119
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    Fantastic work on that battery.

    I went with 2, 2, 4, 4 as Empire counts artillery per man not cannon.

    This gives me the option to split the battery in half, which in my reading was more than common used, or can make a section.

    My trying to make 4 light 12s, 4 hvy 12s and  4 Unicorns was a shuffling guns around almost at the end of finishing the last battles I needed and having many manufacturers guns. All came out relatively well.

    2 of my battery, 1st Position and 4th Light at Borodino seems to only have had 1/2 of their guns so those 2 in my collection only have 6. The 1st Position had 6 guns elsewhere on assignment.

    in reply to: Tirailleurs Corses & du Po painted #195954
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    Wouldn’t bother me, once on campaign uniforms probably went to the dogs anyway. Nice to see units off the beaten path

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    Nice looking game and write up

    in reply to: Total Newbie needs Easy army #194978
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    Prussians might be easiest to paint, scale is your biggest problem, anything 1 =60 or smaller rules helps cut down figures. 1 =20 look nice but even for the little bit of gaming not following Empire scale I did before going back, I knew that I wouldn’t get to where I wanted.

    in reply to: Other Russian Matters #194901
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    Johnathan glad to see you post again as your the reason I’m here .

    Sad to see your Covid problems, get well soon.

    in reply to: Other Russian Matters #194164
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    A subtitled but minor interference computer graphics version,  but finally know what’s going on

    in reply to: AAR and home baked rule ramblings #193836
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    Very well done presentation

    in reply to: Spoiling your fun with Russians (v2) #193826
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    Alexander Mikaberidze’s Liberation of Germany 1813 a continuing account of a Russian Artillery officer is available. I have it on ebook but haven’t started it yet.

    in reply to: Other Russian Matters #193656
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    A bit after the Napoleonic era but with a Napoleonic flair

    Union of Salvation long version I think, no English subtitles or dubbing, third episode but easy to go from there. Watched the 2 hour version twice so a little idea what’s going on

    in reply to: Other Russian Matters #193596
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    I definitely am in conjunction with your dilemma OotKustm

    My Russian army is in its 4th decade so colors of the vehicles including guns is all over the spectrum.  Maybe that not out of the possibility as Dr Summerfield points out colors are mixed and age so one areas mix might not be exactly same as another.

    As for changing paint scheme wouldn’t put it past a NCO or officer to keep their young troops busy painting vehicles.

    Think mentioned here before, one of my Prussian Artillery has French 12pdrs and I did them in the French colors but they probably got repainted very soon after being captured.

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