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  • in reply to: airfix battles an intro wargame #178788
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    I remember playing this a few times with my brother when it came out, the counters use some artwork from Airfix boxes which is good and it gave a nice quick playable game.

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    in reply to: What's on your painting desk/table/corner #178411
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Not got any pics of shame at the moment, but a ridiculous backlog of stuff for Frostgrave, Stargrave and Flintloque are the primary parts of it.

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    in reply to: Music while painting? #176594
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Music usually on CDs – sometimes classical (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and baroque era), more often rock (Hendrix, Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Beatles, David Bowie) or punk (Husker Du, Replacements)

    Sometimes podcasts, but not if I am really interested in the topic and it might distract me from painting.

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    in reply to: Tumbling Dice Lake Tanganyika #176566
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Those do look nice, so very tempting as a small project.

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    in reply to: What size / scale for WWII #176488
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    I mainly use 20mm from legacy collecting starting out in the 1970s, but I think a smaller scale option is useful like 6mm or 10mm to do company, battalion and larger actions.

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    in reply to: Henry Hyde’s Wargaming Campaigns – A Review #175860
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Thanks – useful review and it looks like Henry has added what will be a very good book for most wargamers looking to do campaigns.

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    in reply to: Aztec Fantasy Five Leagues From The Borderlands #175807
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    You either needed even more cover or some ranged troops of your own. Ouch.

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    in reply to: Pendraken’s 2022 Releases! #174891
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Some interesting releases coming through.

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    in reply to: WW2 6mm game on 3×4 A4 square grid #171275
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    I’ve got to liking grid based games so I’ll have to give your rules a try, currently I am using Bob Cordery’s Portable Wargame rules quite a lot as they cover a number of periods I like to game in like WW2.

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    in reply to: 5core company command quetions #169451
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    I have the People’s Edition of Fivecore Company Command and section 7 is the Turn Sequence with 3 options: Standard, Fog of War or Squad by Squad.

    Before we go into the 3 options it says: “Under all methods the game is played in a series of turns, alternating between the two sides. ”

    To be fair it has no mention of how to decide which side acts first in a turn for any of the 3 methods, but using a coin toss or die roll to determine seems an obvious option.

    Looking at the Squad by Squad method it says: “Under this system, the players will instead alternate activating two squads at a time. When it is your turn to play, roll 2D6 and assign each die to a squad of your choice.

    When squads are marked as “inactive“, they cannot be assigned an action die again this turn. You determine action die results before assigning the dice to a squad.”

    A die roll of 2-5 is an Engage result where the squad may move and fire and is then marked as inactive. An inactive squad may not react.

    Turn ends when both players have finished their actions in Squad by Squad.

    So though not explicitly spelt out at turn end all the inactive markers will be removed and you start again.


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    in reply to: Crom’s Anvil – 15mm Fantasy #166630
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    CP have got a nice set of ranges and good to know the Crom’s Anvil range will keep going.

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    in reply to: Trench Hammer, 1918 #165975
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    I’m definitely interested in giving Trench Hammer a try though I can see the appeal of using the Lardies Chain of Command WW1. Going to try and get a couple of other projects out of the way first though.

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    in reply to: French Squads in Trench Hammer #156531
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Personally I’d probably treat a mixed squad as a rifle grenadier squad as the chauchats were notoriously unreliable.

    The squad changed organisation over time what I have is as follows.

    April 1916 – October 1917

    4 x Platoons, each:
    Bombing squad (8 rifles)
    MG squad (1 chauchat, 6 rifles)
    2 x rifle squads (12 rifles ea incl 2 x VB gl)
    usually operated into two half platoons.

    Oct 1917 – Oct 1918

    4 x Inf Platoons each:
    2 x half platoons each:
    LMG/GL squad (7 men, 1 x Chauchat, 3 x VB gl)
    Rifle/bomber squad (7 men incl 2 bombers)

    Oct 1918 – ??

    4 x infantry platoons each:
    3 x ‘groupe de combat’ each:
    1 x bombing team (6 men with rifles, bombs & 1 x VB gl)
    1 x MG team (6 men with 1 x Chauchat & 5 rifles)

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    in reply to: Shiloh 1862: The Hornet’s Nest #151505
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Nice battle report. If I didn’t have an existing 15mm collection I would have gone for Pendraken’s range.

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    in reply to: 15mm Desert Fantasy #147298
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Some nice work there, I like to mix historical ranges in with the fantasy to give more variety.

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    in reply to: God’s Own Scale Episode 18 PONY WARS! #145305
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    My copy of Once upon a time in the west is glossy covered.

    The good thing with the new printing of the Pony Wars rules is all the cards will be included, so you wouldn’t have 100 or so of those to make which you would have to do with the old version. £25 for a hard covered set of rules with colour printing and the incident cards is pretty reasonable compared to most other current wargames.

    The site for the new version is

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    in reply to: Never Mind the Billhooks – A Revew #144129
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Thanks for the review. Looks like an interesting set and as it seems to be driven by bases rather than individual figures I can see how I could use it with smaller scale blocks for the WotR.


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    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Look pretty decent as an addition to the Frostgrave ranges.

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    in reply to: 15mm Gauls for Infamy, Infamy! #141470
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Looks good and personally though I have resisted Infamy so far I am doing Sharp Practice in 15mm.

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    in reply to: World War 20mm #125832
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Nice work there, Piers.

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    in reply to: Christmas crafting pieces for a cornfield #124916
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    That’s a good idea. Thanks Norm.

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    in reply to: Clotted Lard 2019 – Devon Wargames Group #122434
    Avatar photoDaveH303

    Some great looking games there. Glad to see it raising money for a good cause too.

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