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  • in reply to: can anyone identify this figure #116842
    Avatar photojohn farquhar

    You could be right . I do know it was available to buy at Orcs nest round about 2007 , but that’s all I know . Mine also has the same mark on the base but as you say too small to see

    in reply to: can anyone identify this figure #116826
    Avatar photojohn farquhar

    yes 25 mm

    in reply to: can anyone identify this figure #116824
    Avatar photojohn farquhar

    I have had this figure for a few years now and I have never been able to identify it . There is no base markings that I can make out so I am at a complete loss . Any help would be appreciated

    in reply to: Do you buy from Games Workshop? #96130
    Avatar photojohn farquhar

    I’v not bought anything from games workshop since the late 80’s . I stopped buying from them when they moved away from actual roleplaying games .

    I do have a GW miniature collection but it’s all vintage and bought second hand .

    The range that they have now does’nt interest me plus it’s pretty much mass produced plastic . Not to mention very fagile and expensive but thats what it’s all about getting kids to spend as much money as possible .

    in reply to: Help Identify figures #96009
    Avatar photojohn farquhar

    Thanks for the help very much appreciated

    in reply to: Help Identify figures #95985
    Avatar photojohn farquhar

    here is some more


    in reply to: Help Identify figures #95978
    Avatar photojohn farquhar

    not Grenadier the bases are to thin and small . The closest match I have come across is Road Kill figures from West Wind Miniatures , but those are slotta base and these are not .

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