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    I wear mine from the moment I buy it to the moment it falls off my coat and gets lost. Repeat process until COP 11/11.

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    in reply to: The Pre-Game Game #125325
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    I base and organise figures to look nice: rules are transient and can always be made to fit your collection.

    Mind you, I’ve got rules I like for every period I’m interested in so not an issue for me anymore! 😎

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    in reply to: "You want the Old Skool!" #125322
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    I’ve just laughed my wotsits off! *

    Before I attempt anything now I always follow the safety instructions to the letter i.e. make sure the wife is out of the house. Everything else is an acceptable risk.

    *no great loss at my age.

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    in reply to: For sale: 20mm M113s, Alouette, AMX 13 #125317
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    No idea Brian – knowing the post office these days bloomin’ expensive! I’ll weigh them up and let you know.

    PS drop me a line at jeffreytheaspAToutlookDOTcom and I’ll email you direct.

    Update: tell a lie, it’s not that bad:

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    in reply to: "You want the Old Skool!" #125270
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    Pink Guards band & Colour Party….?

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    in reply to: For sale: Hobby Den 1/72 AML 90 Armoured Cars #125252
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    Got ‘em. If you want to send your details to me at jeffreytheaspAToutlookDOTcom then we can arrange payment, delivery, hiding purchases from wives etc. It’s not my payment address but a silly alter ego email I used to use for Facebook.


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    I consider both to be ‘wargaming’ so no line exists as far as I am concerned; it’s just different ways of simulating a complex issue. As a cash-strapped teenager in 1983, I developed a setup to play TTG Pony Wars using thick card to represent everything from the Indians (as suggested in the rules) to terrain and Gatling guns. Where would that fit? 😄

    Personally, I found boardgames that use miniatures to be a bit fiddly to play. I always prefer nicely printed coloured counters. There is also something very pleasurable about running your fingers over a sheet of unpunched counters….

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    in reply to: For sale: Hobby Den 1/72 AML 90 Armoured Cars #125091
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    They’re all yours! PayPal works for me, but hang fire until I dig them out of the loft 😉

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    in reply to: Wot's not to like… #125014
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    Let me present your darkest nightmare….

    With a warning about naughty words at the end…

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    in reply to: Carr County Militia AWI #124943
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    Cheers – another box arrived this morning…

    Joker – look what you have started!

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    in reply to: Butler's Rangers and Iroquois Indians in 28mm #124942
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    Brilliant! I’ll need a unit of rangers and this is just the ticket.

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    SELWG was the only show I ever really enjoyed, but it was a nightmare to get too! One of my fondest wargaming memories was at the end of the show, sitting back with my chums eating ice cream in the car park whilst waiting for post-show traffic to clear. That’s about 20 years ago now!

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    in reply to: Wot's not to like… #124816
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    Nothing! You are not a real man if you don’t shed a tear at the sound of a Rolls Royce Merlin, either.

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    in reply to: When do you find the time? #124657
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    Games: doubt I will ever roll dice again.
    Sculpting: grab a few spare minutes in the evening, depending on how worn out I am and when Minime decides to fall asleep.
    Painting: as above, but prefer doing this in daylight so early Sunday mornings if I can.

    At the moment I’m not a well bunny and having to rest up, so managing to get a lot of painting therapy in! Also Strictly Come Yawning is on, so I’m left to my own devices on Saturday nights. But I have developed quick ways to paint and base figures that has cut production time.

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    in reply to: For sale: Cold War buildings #124351
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    Sadly Mike, they wouldn’t. It would widen the interest to say yes, but it wouldn’t be honest!

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    in reply to: For sale: Cold War buildings #124343
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    Sorry, should have said 20mm: HO/OO, 1/76, 1/87 that sort of scale, so too big for 15mm.

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    in reply to: Grubby Tanks #124062
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    He uses Vallejo Mahogany Brown as shower gel.

    Excellent chap.

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    in reply to: Taking the plunge into AWI #124061
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    Sadly I don’t have the space for a library, but I make sure the books I dispose of are catered for by the books I keep. Mind you, there is no demand for AWI books now. Dealers won’t take them and I’ve had Hadden’s Journal on eBay for about three months with no interest at all.

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    in reply to: Taking the plunge into AWI #124014
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    Well, I just had to have a go…

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    in reply to: 1/72 WWII scene inspired by a photo #123585
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    in reply to: Taking the plunge into AWI #123569
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    So you’re a chap who games mostly in 1/72 and has decided to do AWI in 20mm? This application of common sense has confused me so much I need to lie down for a bit… 🤪

    Sash and Sabre are rather nice….

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    in reply to: Taking the plunge into AWI #123550
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    I’ve plunged three times now:

    15mm (mostly Stone Mountain): sold to someone in Staines in about 1988.

    25mm (mix of Hinchliffe & Front Rank): unfinished and dumped at the SELWG bring & buy in about 1992.

    6mm (Baccus with many conversions): lots of gaming before they all emigrated to California in about 2012.

    And I have a clutch of half-finished Blue Moon in the loft.

    I also donated a huge library of books to the Cats Protection League (for onward sale; cats prefer Napoleonics).

    And I’m at it again.

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    in reply to: Taking the plunge into AWI #123514
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    How is your project going? I ask because – purely from interest, not that I intend to buy loads more figures you understand* – I have acquired a box of WLG Continentals to play about with. Not bad in terms of style and only a couple of slouchers, but I think they could have organised the sprues better and got a couple of extra figures in. Lots of ‘useless extras’, like spare muskets and huge bases, but as they are available locally for £15 a box I can live with it. Perrys still have the edge, though!

    *just in case my wife works out the Safari browsing history.

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    in reply to: Barn and cottage texture skins #123474
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    Now THAT I like!

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    in reply to: What Spray Clear coat Do You Use? #123447
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    I stopped using spray-on varnish because I always got some problem i.e. glossy matt, yellow gloss etc. I now just brush on using Vallejo for gloss or satin and Windsor & Newton for matt. I only do one thin coat, too, because the primer is more important and for that I do use sprays (the most suitable Army Painter colour, but metals get an initial coat of Baufix metal primer from Lidl). Soft plastics get no varnish at all as the acrylics form a protective skin anyway.

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    in reply to: Old Projects and Madness #123378
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    Other people. I’ve got good sets of rules for every period I play – or rather played – but nobody else is interested. I’m too old and tired to be an evangelist so I gave up going to groups and, as I have neither the space nor inclination to go solo, my toys go straight into boxes in the loft. I’m happy to plan, sculpt, model & paint so I just imagine them being used – easier than dealing with wargamers!

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    in reply to: Old Projects and Madness #123371
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    I’ve not finished anything in this hobby. Even my original Airfix ACW expansion was scuppered when they dropped the artillery and cavalry packs.

    I actually find the planning stage fun as it’s all a glorious serious of eye-catching games in my head. It’s when it reaches the table that disillusionment creeps in.


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    in reply to: Walking the Walk? #123369
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    What Olaf said. 😎

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    in reply to: 1/72 Blackburn Skua #122940
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    First British confirmed kill of WW2 was by a Skua.

    I think Novo were all ex Frog kits. Always thought they went together well, but none of my Novo kits ever had decals on because they tended to disintegrate. I had no access to replacements (apart from telling Airfix porkies 🤫) so they remained unadorned. Now that isn’t an issue I reckon they make good, robust wargaming models.


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    in reply to: Is Scratch-Building a Part of Your Gaming Hobby #122537
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    Yep. I’m from an age where you had to: now I do it because it’s fun!

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    I remember those! I always used to look forward to articles by Andy Callan and Richard Brooks. Loose Files is still my preferred AWI set and when Jacklex start up production again I will dust off Brooks’ Sudan rules…

    I never attempted the ‘45 but, as with all those gentlemen’s rules, they looked interesting & were tempting. I doubt they were ever meant to be a ‘polished product’ (I had to tweak Loose Files), but a little bit of effort would result in a rewarding game –  which you have clearly shown!

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    in reply to: Classroom Vietnam Rules #122079
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    Good Lord, Telzy – but look at the price! My original first edition vintage copy must be worth a fortune!

    Now I can retire to Sandbanks….

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    in reply to: Classroom Vietnam Rules #122032
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    Many years ago (27, to be precise) I bought a set of rules called ‘Recon’ from Platoon 20. They were to all intents and purposes D&D in Vietnam (with a postwar career as a mercenary). I used them with a few mods for my 1/32 garden wargames and they worked really well. So well in fact that it is one of the few sets of rules I kept.

    Probably as rare as hen’s teeth now, but worth picking up a copy for ideas if you see it about.

    This is no help to you is it? ☹️

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    in reply to: More Rambling Nostalgia #121793
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    Mine lived in Ringwood and we used to visit Woolcos as an outing when it rained, so I used to pray for at least one rubbish day during the summer so I could fleece my parents. Even today we refer to a warm rainy day as a Woolcos Day.

    Couldn’t remember the name of the toy shop, but I tended to use that for Britain’s. They had them all lined up in a glass cabinet right in front of the door! From memory they supplied me with the Airfix gun emplacement and Matchbox 1/32 US Infantry.

    I counted it as Boscombe because we only went to that side, so my geography is clearly a bit out! We used to park in Chessel Avenue to go into town. The flower shop on the corner of Chessel used to be a newsagents and I scored a box of Action Packs Foreign Legion from there.

    Its alarming that I can remember where I bought my stuff from… 🤓

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    in reply to: What to game or paint. #121677
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    Can’t go wrong with AWI. Probably the most wargamable (I made that word up, but it works) period out there, so no time spent on Continentals is wasted. I black undercoated  30 Perry plastics last year and done nothing since, but still think that was a good use of my time.

    But I am biased and refuse to listen to anybody who disagrees….

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    in reply to: SYW Not-Prussian Army Advances! #121579
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    Nicely done and hard to believe it’s 3mm.

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    in reply to: Why you like TWW #121417
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    What others have already said more eloquently than moi. And without the pretentiousness.

    Cheers Mike!

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    in reply to: Highland Charge #121303
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    Nice work! John has some gems in his catalogue and you’ve done these proud. The 15mm 18th century figures are lovely little beasts too.

    I’ve updated and added to the Napoleonic range for a year or so now. I first used Warrior 25mm Napoleonic with my then club’s 20mm/Airfix/Rose collections because they fitted rather well and I couldn’t be bothered to convert plastics into Austrians! I sold them on in 1989, but began buying them again in a fit of nostalgia a few years ago.

    I’m gradually uploading photos to my blog, which includes some of the sculpting and conversion work I’m doing. They are Old School so not to everybody’s taste, but bear in mind the originals date from 1974!

    Obviously, I could use 28mm and plastics like everybody else, but where is the fun in that? 🤓

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    in reply to: Burning Vehicle markers: A Video Tutorial #121101
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    Looks fab.

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    in reply to: Not to paint is to die a little #121014
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    I started a blog to get me to actually do stuff and it works! Of course, I’ve been able to do a lot recently because of a dodgy health incident and some enforced rest… Only problem is I now want to use them, which is hampered by my crumbling body and a generally anti-social demeanour. But actually completing a few things does give me a boost.

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