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  • in reply to: Moved: New Board Suggestions #7610
    Avatar photoKnockman

    OK, from a quick browse, as of now there’s 52 threads on various topics covering a wide range of subjects.

    So perhaps keep the parent board as is with ‘general’ and make the sub-board ‘Information’?

    ‘Info & News’?


    in reply to: Naval wargaming topics #7593
    Avatar photoKnockman

    Slightly confusing to me too, but that’s generally because I sign everything ‘TAG‘ as those are my initials. Indeed, many of my friends call me that and have done for years now. Gave up using ‘TAG‘ for an ID as folks kept asking me about the next releases from The Assault Group, and didn’t want to impinge upon the chaps’ business


    in reply to: Consumer Affairs #7588
    Avatar photoKnockman

    Splendid comment from Mr Hyde – and he’s also why I’m here anyway.

    Can appreciate other comments about soapboxing, sockpuppets, biased positive marketing, etc., – but I would say that if a potential aim of this forum (I don’t know TBH, I don’t know anything about the issues with ‘the other place’) is to be friendlier, more encouraging and less critical, then how about a simple single thread where folks can positively proclaim a good transaction?

    Simple rules – it has to be a positive ‘thanks, good service’ entry, and readers of that entry don’t then see that as a challenge to denounce/decry it with a counter-stroke of their experience with same trader/entity.

    And – if part of the eventual forum aim is to encourage more sponsorship and more special offers and discounts, no better way to do that for potential new sponsors than for them to see good feedback about themselves, I’d suggest?


    in reply to: Moved: New Board Suggestions #7587
    Avatar photoKnockman

    I’ll admit I can be a forum numptie at times. But just one thought – is there a potential way/appetite/idea to change one of the titles for the ‘General’ sub-forums please, so that I don’t get lost trying to recall which ‘General’ forum I might have read something in? A ‘General’ Area is great news for me, but a secondary ‘General’ sub-forum of the ‘General’ forum can risk leaving me stranded and gormless.

    Just a wee heartfelt plea from someone getting close to Saga Holiday entitlement…..



    in reply to: Annual Membership? #7586
    Avatar photoKnockman

    Another vote for Yearly Membership 🙂 You may well call me paranoid, but after going thru all the Mortgage Affordability Checking cr*p just recently, with the massive culling of monthly outgoings I had to do to get the final lending sorted, I’m a little averse to any monthly payments now. (Real experience with very thick people working for UK Hi-Street Lenders has proven to me the MMR changes are being badly implemented). Sorry to go all-political/real-world. Very happy to be a sposnor of this site.


    in reply to: Seeking advice on how to sell a board game idea #7574
    Avatar photoKnockman

    Certainly interested in your potential project’s theme – a mid-range game on that period sounds promising.

    If I was to recommend anyone at all as a potential first contact for insight into the world of games publishing it would be Martin Wallace – designer and producer at War Frog/Tree Frog Games, and responsible for ‘Sixteen-Thirty-Something’, ‘Liberte’, ‘Struggle of Empires’, ‘A Study in Emerald’, etc.  Yes, he’s a designer – and I personally think one of the best out there – but he has had extensive experience having to work with publishing, production and distribution – the three main Virtues you will have to contend with if you’re serious about pushing your game concept to the outside world.

    Surely no harm in popping him a brief introductory e-mail to ask him for advice perhaps?

    Good luck, and please do keep me posted on your progress.





    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #7562
    Avatar photoKnockman

    Just signed up, meant to earlier, but real life has been a bit hectic lately.

    Always happy to support forums where and when I can.

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