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  • in reply to: AAR26; A Battle of the Uwanda/Mugabia War #69957
    Avatar photoTom V.

    Those poor, brave Mugabian’s. Maybe next battle they could have some rocks to throw at the Ugabian’s. It would give them a significant firepower improvement over their kit this go round!

    in reply to: Starship Gaming #67994
    Avatar photoTom V.

    I do Firestorm Armada. Pretty straightforward game with enough chrome to satisfy me.

    in reply to: What's on your painting desk/table/corner #63411
    Avatar photoTom V.

    Partially painted that I need to finish at some point:

    My 15mm Franco-Prussian is very playable (3 Prussian, 2 Bavarian corps and a Baden division on one side and 4 French corps on the other) but I’d like to add the Prussian guard corps and enough regular French line to swap out for Turcos and Zouaves so I can convert the I Corps into the III or VI.

    28mm “Major Dundee.” I have the U.S. Cavalry and the French done, need to finish the Apache’s then start on the Mexican villagers, Mexican army, U.S. infantry and some towns people.

    28mm ancient Chinese for FOG. Am maybe 20% done here.

    I painted my 20mm U.S. in Afghanistan, now I need to paint the Afghanis.

    28mm British navy, Pirates, are done, fort garrison is half done as are the townspeople.

    Seven years war in 28mm is already large but I have a few regiments of Prussians I can paint and some more Russian artillery.

    Need to paint the Viet Cong for my 15mm Vietnam pile.

    in reply to: WW2 Battle you most want to game? #62932
    Avatar photoTom V.

    2nd the interest in doing the Guadalcanal campaign. A near run thing that was pivotal in the Pacific War.

    in reply to: Modern WW2 battles #62931
    Avatar photoTom V.

    Mortain with the Warsaw Pact taking the German role and NATO taking the American.

    in reply to: Playing with your Partner? #62409
    Avatar photoTom V.

    Nope, not at all. She thinks it’s a cool hobby but not her cup of tea.

    in reply to: Do you collect terrain in a single scale? #62334
    Avatar photoTom V.

    I have terrain in 15, 20 (impulse purchase, may never see the table) and 28mm. I like big battles in 15mm but prefer 28mm for skirmish and ancients.

    Avatar photoTom V.

    I think a good example of non-linear scaling would be the Franco-Prussian War. Line up 2 battalions 500m apart and the French would likely win easily. Line up 2 divisions 2km apart and it might be a draw. Line up 2 corps and my money will always be on the Prussians.

    Lower levels are dominated by weaponry and higher by command, imho.

    in reply to: What makes a good AAR? #62298
    Avatar photoTom V.

    I like to see a map, or an overview picture of the table, a general list of the forces involved and a rough idea as to what each side wanted to do. After that pictures with some brief comments and a summary at the end.

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