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  • in reply to: Sculpting 6mm Monsters(more Grell) #48838
    Avatar photoPatG

    Very nice work! (But for the record, it’s all downhill after AD&D first ed.) 😉

    in reply to: sci-fi fanzine #48837
    Avatar photoPatG

    Interesting but system specific

    in reply to: Trouble on the river Liu River 1900 pt 2 #48813
    Avatar photoPatG

    That’s even better – very nice!

    in reply to: Trouble on the river Liu River 1900 pt 2 #48763
    Avatar photoPatG

    Nice table and figures though I think I have acquired a case of gunboat envy.

    edit: Is it a kit or did you just put it together? Either way I think I have a project for this weekend.

    in reply to: Rather unusual Imagi-Nations #48685
    Avatar photoPatG

    Wow – that’s fast progress!

    in reply to: Project Jutland – High Seas Fleet #48643
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    in reply to: September Sponsors Competition #48587
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    There’s another board I frequent focused more on historicals but it has the same no bs, no bashing, keep it polite feel. This is missing in many other places on the net which is a sad thing. There is another reason I will not go into here but it shows that TWW and it’s admins are headed in a good and needed direction.

    Edit: I was just listening to a podcast with an associated Facebook page. They found it necessary to tell their Facebook posters not to use offensive names for the various nations in WWII….

    in reply to: Video games to watch on Youtube? #48585
    Avatar photoPatG

    Totally the wrong generation for this, though my daughters watch for entertainment. I usually only watch World of Tanks Blitz videos and then for instruction only. The idea of watching a play through before playing the game strikes me as wrong.

    Now get off my lawn! 😉

    in reply to: Why do you buy from them? #48499
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    RAFM – VSF/Colonials They still have the Space 1889 line and other figures and pieces in 25mm.
    RAFM – 15mm SF – Most of their casts are old Traveller models. I still have a few figures from my first real job at a hobby shop 30+ years ago. Much nostalgia.

    It’s also a Canadian company and I try to support “local” business. And they are nice guys too,

    6mm Ancients and Fantasy Baccus. Great product good price and cheaper than ordering it from the States, Fewer customs hassles as well.

    20mm WWII plastics – two FLHS. One has been around forever the other tries to support gamers as well as modellers and the RC crowd. Both carry Airfix et al which make for cheap armies Funnily enough, my classic FLGS carries very little in miniatures apart from FOW and WarmaHordes.

    in reply to: Well I went and did it… #48462
    Avatar photoPatG

    Chain of command is an excellent platoon level game.

    in reply to: I Can't Paint That! #48378
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    I recall looking a a red 40k trooper that looked amazing – just a base coat …. and something like 11 layers of red ink wash. Gorgeous but no thanks.

    in reply to: I Can't Paint That! #48370
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    Baccus 6mm, most 25/8mm. 20mm plastics are nice because the detail is within my capability and frankly desire to paint.

    Oh and SS pea dot but I don’t like them anyway.

    in reply to: Building two Martian Sky Galleons #48180
    Avatar photoPatG

    Those are excellent!

    in reply to: Fall 2016 Wish List #48179
    Avatar photoPatG

    I need a non-Tiger in 20mm and that’s about it.

    I am pondering picking up some Riel Rebellion figures in 25mm.

    To Do: make terrain and game more.

    in reply to: Rules? #48177
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    Ancients: DBMM, DBA 2.1
    Colonials/VSF: The Soldier’s Companion (Space 1889 mass battle), The Sword and the Flame.
    WWII: Chain of Command
    Fantasy: Warmaster
    SF: Gruntz
    VSF: Aeronef
    Post-apoc: Car Wars 3x with Hotwheels

    in reply to: Multi Period Imagi-Nations #48176
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    I could see doing this on a much shorter timeline Colonial (maybe even vsf) WWI, 30’s interwar / vbcw, WWII

    in reply to: Rather unusual Imagi-Nations #48103
    Avatar photoPatG

    Great work!

    in reply to: Bolt Action, Soviets vs German Paras #47980
    Avatar photoPatG

    Nice looking table. Those FT boys should be heroes of the Soviet Union!

    in reply to: My First Judge Dredd Figures #47978
    Avatar photoPatG

    Nice work

    in reply to: Welcome to the General Forum #47924
    Avatar photoPatG

    Good morning.
    Thanks for allowing me on board.

    Unlike the rest of you, I’m a bit odd. Exclusively 1/72-20mm. Please don’t laugh & point.


    Doing 20mm myself – easy to convert, dirt cheap plastics with that hipster retro-gaming feel, and for the connoisseur really nice metals from AB et al – what’s not to like?

    in reply to: August Sponsors Competetion #47822
    Avatar photoPatG

    Well done Russell – the painting was very good indeed!

    in reply to: Ambush #47773
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    Go old school. Mark it on a map of the table, work out how it gets spotted and rely on the ambushing player to be scrupulously honest (or use a referee)

    in reply to: Rather unusual Imagi-Nations #47693
    Avatar photoPatG

    Wow – again I say wow!

    in reply to: Rather unusual Imagi-Nations #47668
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    I love the Zulu figures!

    in reply to: Rather unusual Imagi-Nations #47661
    Avatar photoPatG

    Wow those are excellent!

    in reply to: Generic Fantasy Skirmish #47633
    Avatar photoPatG

    those look very interesting – thanks!

    edit – still locked into a specific world view – unless second ed has the points algorithm included.

    in reply to: African project so far, the river #47632
    Avatar photoPatG

    Very interesting approach.

    in reply to: Niehorster link to Dutch OOB #47623
    Avatar photoPatG

    Very handy – thanks. I’m trying to find the money for some 28mm Dutch.

    in reply to: When Playing with Plastic Army Men… #47622
    Avatar photoPatG

    My earliest army men were Swoppet knights and oddly a Britains BAT 120mm recoiless rifle. This was followed by a catapult and ballista. There were also some airfix in the equation but even then my largest collection was Romans and celts and neither of those were good or bad. Wargaming came later with the Panzerblitz series and the usual youthful fascination with the Germans. Later as I read more and learned more they became considerably less appealing.

    Currently, I have a Homeguard force in 28mm with FJ as opponents – Michael Caine might have something to do with that. In 20mm – 1/72 I have a Canadian motor/infantry platoon (and have returned to Airfix et al). Focusing on North West Europe requires that I paint up FJ and SS as opponents. I have put some time into selecting and converting the FJ figures. The SS however are Zvezda’s German Infantry Platoon which is more suited to early to mid war Heer. Apart from simply being cheap, I have no interest in spending money figures with all the fancy kit or painting a bunch of pea dot. These two forces represent a challenge against which I will gain understanding of how motor platoons were used. As such they will be run properly so will win and likely often but those wins are not the objective of the game.

    To sum up this ramble: As a child, good and bad were made irrelevant because my army men were mostly ancients. As I have gotten older, the bad guys are far more likely to win but I have also developed much more concrete ideas of who the bad guys are and why they are indeed bad.

    in reply to: A New Faction #47617
    Avatar photoPatG

    Nice work!

    in reply to: a magical moment #47615
    Avatar photoPatG

    Great Series.

    in reply to: PatG's WWII stuff #47614
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    Thanks John – I was working from memory of one in a case the local museum. Looking at pictures online the next one will have to be bigger.

    in reply to: When Playing with Plastic Army Men… #47577
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    Saladin always wins.

    in reply to: Late Roman v Barbarians #47523
    Avatar photoPatG

    Don’t apologize – that’s far more important than a games of soldiers. And what game it was – very nice work.

    in reply to: Alien plants from dollar store fake flowers #47437
    Avatar photoPatG

    Yeah, the plastic shiny ones are way worse. I’ve never tried matte sealing them, but I’ll test it on one. I’d like to eventually replace them with the cloth ones like the red ones, but I’ll give the matte spray a try first.

    Matt spray works to take away the plastic look. I also repaint a lot of them using simple craft paints.

    I used plants pretty much identical to the green ones above with a drybrushing of red craft paint on the edges to make martian red weed. They work well and an over spray of matte would only improve them.

    in reply to: 15mm buildings Normandy #47414
    Avatar photoPatG

    Those are excellent!

    in reply to: So, they've found a new planet #47364
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    Do we go at sub-light speeds subject to temporal dilation, only to arrive generations later to find humanity already established there by faster spaceships developed and used for colonization in the future or do we wait until those ships are made?

    I have a whole back story based on just that idea. Generation ships head out to reachable but less profitable worlds. Later faster ships leapfrog out to far more distant planets with the good stuff. Take your favourite extremist group, plonk them down on an agricultural planet and press fast forward for a couple of hundred years. The Terran Integration Bureau has the fun job of establishing contact with these “left behind” planets and re-integrating them into the modern society of man. Sometimes they go out armed.

    in reply to: Good and bad regiments #47361
    Avatar photoPatG

    I have a unit of ancient British Slingers for DBx that just can’t seem to do anything useful. I did their tattoos by hand so I keep them around.

    in reply to: Alien plants from dollar store fake flowers #47356
    Avatar photoPatG

    Nicely done I shall have to steal this idea.

    in reply to: Abandoned German Tanks – Rules #47354
    Avatar photoPatG

    This thread over on Axis History covers conscription during the war. A quick look suggests that the Germans started the war calling up 20 and 21 year olds but by ’44 end was recruiting 18 and 19 year olds into the HJ division and I suspect other units in late ’44-’45. the training cycle was also reduced as the war went on meaning that the average replacement was getting younger and getting less training (and thus more likely to bail).

    A lot more work would have to be done before coming up with an authoritative effect on the war games table but my first pass would be to run contrary to the usual “all Germans were veterans or elites” thinking and put the hardened troops in command positions while the bulk of the force is average or even green. So good leaders commanding fair to poor troops. Again this is conjecture and would need a lot more research to adequately support it.

    Specifically for tanks, one possibility might be simply that the Allies were advancing. Jumping out of your Tiger and hiding in a ditch when Typhoons are overhead might be a very sensible and non-cowardly thing to do when your intent is to jump back in and fight on as soon as the skies are clear. However, if the tide of battle moves over you while you are in that ditch or pushes you back out of the ditch, then you can’t remount and your perfectly good tank becomes “abandoned”.

    In game terms and this would be more of a campaign effect – German tank losses don’t get replaced or are replaced at a much lower rate than the allies.

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