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  • in reply to: Six Years of KeepYourPowderDry #193665
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    Unfortunately that does seem to be the case. Just all rather sad that society has come to it.

    in reply to: Modeller contact- UK #180335
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    Sorry no email address, but Liam is a very regular poster at the ‘other place’. User name Deadhead, can usually be found (not surprisingly) in the Napoleonics boards.

    in reply to: ECW – where to start…. #178253
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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I always think that having something tangible and local makes the period come alive.</p>
    Good luck painting your figures up (if you want any painting guides, there are just a few on the blog)

    in reply to: ECW – where to start…. #178192
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    The #ECWtravelogue entry for Lincolnshire is now up on KeepYourPowderDry

    in reply to: ECW – where to start…. #177159
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    The new, hot off the press, Campaigns of the Eastern Association by Laurence Spring (Helion) sadly doesn’t give much more information on 1643 Lincolnshire campaign than the overview on the BCW Wiki

    in reply to: ECW – where to start…. #177050
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    Twilight of Divine Right (full title, makes it easier) doesn’t require Twilight for the Sun King. TDR is core rulebook for ECW/30YW, TSK is core rulebook for later C17th.


    Edit: due to lack of sleep I missed out sum wordz

    in reply to: ECW – where to start…. #177046
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    Hi Ian, there are lots of sites and museums to visit. Too many to list see

    Personal favourites? National Civil War Centre, Combined Military Services Museum, Broughton Castle, West Berkshire Museum, Basing House

    in reply to: ECW – where to start…. #177020
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    A lot depends on what size figures you fancy 6, 10, 15 or 28mm. Big battles, small battles or skirmishes? I can bore you to death about 15mm, the state of play of different ranges and compatability. For 28mm I’d point you in the direction of a sticky thread over on Lead Adventure.

    Rather than copy and paste here’s a link to the first of my 15mm which figures posts

    There’s lots of really good source material on the web available free of charge, again rather than cutting and pasting…

    Lincolnshire and the Civil War? There is a section of my blog devoted to ECW tourism called the ECWtravelogue and I am in the process of finishing writing the Lincolnshire entry. It will surface mid September.

    Hope that helps

    in reply to: Rebasing #170169
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    Just finished rebasing several hundred 15mm ECW figures. My own stupid fault tbh.

    I normally glue finished figures to bases then add ‘dirt’  using GW Strickland Mud, wash with chestnut ink before adding flock/Tufts etc.

    GW texture paint is a bit pricey and doesn’t go too far, so I thought I’d be clever and make my own. Getting the colour right was more than tricky as the white PVA lightened the mix up. Test looked close enough, so I went ahead and used it. Fatal mistake – it looked okay, but when compared on mass, the homebrew mix stood out like a sore thumb. Added a nuln oil was to tone things down. Better, but still noticeably different. Decided it would do. But it did bug me, and slowly came are to the conclusion that they really did need rebasing.

    Horrible, onerous task. Hated every minute of it. Done now.

    A lesson learned the hard way.

    in reply to: Photographing Your Minis #168979
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    To be very honest, a fairly upto date smartphone is pretty darn good and will be very hard to beat. They have good photo editing software bundled too. Going down the dedicated camera route can work out expensive as you will need a macro lens.

    Photography (of anything) really comes down to lighting. Don’t use flash, or household bulbs unless you are really good at lighting. Simple solution is a portable photo booth. You can make them, but in reality what you can pick up for £20-30 online is going to be very hard to beat. Folding white box, built in led lighting strips and often a choice of backgrounds. I’ve got an Orangemonkie foldio. Picked it up for £20 a few years back – brilliant.


    If you do get one, and it has multiple coloured backdrops, take pictures with all of them – they’ll give very different results depending upon the colour of your subject. Nearly all the photos on my blog are taken with a smartphone and foldio; the big cameras come out for outdoor stuff and museums. Museums are a pain for photography, lighting all set up for visitors not photographers so loads of pesky reflections (there is a solution for this too see )

    in reply to: Frothers #168199
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    in reply to: Naismith-Roundway #166220
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    Keepwargaming have some stock, Spirit Games has a few bits too (they are about to shut up shop I believe)

    in reply to: Blogging hints and tips #162337
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    Thanks for your kind words Jim

    in reply to: Blogging hints and tips #162331
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    So 3 years 5 months later, a bit of thread resurrection is required.


    Once again I need to say thank you to everyone who contributed to the discussion all that time ago.

    Just posted my 300th post. Would never have thought that I would still be able to prattle on and on about the Wars of 3 Kingdoms/British Civil Wars/English Civil War (delete as your sensibilities deem appropriate).

    Must also be doing something right as stuff wot I wrote has been read over 206k times. Can’t all be my mum, so I’m taking that as a win.

    Plus there have been a few spin offs  directly related to the blog – been asked to contribute to a couple of books (real ones made of paper and for sale in shops, or they will be).

    Seems that my W3K/BCW/ECW historical colour posts have gone down particularly well.


    So thanks, once again, to everyone who helped me. And if you are thinking about blogging – the tip about labels is probably the best (thanks Norm S).

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