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  • in reply to: Antenociti’s Workshop Resin Moulds? #197669
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    Indeed, I been looking for a year and only today got a lead and messaged the former owner. If anybody has leads, please share them here.

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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #41484
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    Apologies for the prolonged absence. Academic work is a time consuming pain. In the meantime I have started a new venture with Panzerfäuste from Hysterical games.

    Historo-Fantasy in 28mm the (British) Orcs protect the (French) Gnomes from the invading (German) Dwarves. Laughter guarenteed with excellent minis and free beta rules for Skirmish as well as mass battle.

    Head over to my blog for pictures of painted examples and proxies.

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    in reply to: Age of Tyrants Pre-Kickstarter #37822
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    Since the 6mm here is in a league of 10mm elsewhere, I would say the pricing is rather competitive. Looking at the current pledge level despite the competition I would say some people have the same thought.

    Does not mean I can buy all I want, but then again, neither can I buy all I want in other scales/games and I am old enough to deal with life.

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    in reply to: Blatant Sexism At Shows? #37820
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    I would say there is no right or wrong answer and no matter what you say (or do) someone will carry a chip on their shoulder.

    What I would do:

    Let everyone in charging x amount. From a certain time onward, say 4pm let everyone in for free. No one gets discriminated, everybody pays. Those people that wish to try all out, participate in games etc will come early and pay a certain fee, maybe with a free voucher for a sandwich and a can. Those who are only looking will then come later, walk through and be gone.

    As Mike rightly says, if we charge diffenrently for male and female attendees, why not charge different nationalities, religious affiliations etc. in a different fashion. Once you are looking at it from that way you see the point. You do not have to agree with it but hey, life is a female dog.

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    in reply to: Age of Tyrants Pre-Kickstarter #37221
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    Started on 21st and funded over the weekend. Now on to Stretchgoals (Koralon, Triads, Gladiators, Dropships, Bikes and CLAUs).

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    in reply to: Age of Tyrants Pre-Kickstarter #36616
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    I should really read my emails: Kickstarter will be on January 21st, sorry folks.

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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #36464
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    Thanks, appreciated to hear such from you. Great job on those chars by the way. I have checked out the AB site and a single Warrior is quite to my fancy. Need to play a bit around with terrain and such to make the order of 2 and terrain worth the postage. Not to mention making you go and fill the order. We shall see.

    Concerning Brigade: I also have their infantry and it does work in line with Plasmablast. I am trying to get in touch with Marios again because currently the ownership change makes the shop hanging in limbo. Tony from Brigade also has some great Spaceships and Squadron Commander is something I want to expand as well.

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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #36461
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    Age of Tyrants Kickstarter looming I put more paint on my samples.

    Visited the other site about miniatures where selfproclaimed saviours of the wargaming industry refuse to buy in because I do not appreciate being Tango-ed. A few less people to worry about.

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    in reply to: Age of Tyrants Pre-Kickstarter #36460
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    Got more samples and more paint on them 😀

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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #34238
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    Update on Kraken Mats: New designs unveiled. I kinda like the winter warzone mat….

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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #33968
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    Indeed. I like it because they are extremely useful for beginners. The 2.5D of some mats allows new players to explore tabletops without buying loads of terrain.


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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #33951
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    Great news and fresh unlock from Kraken Wargames Kickstarter.

    Another nice feature is that the Scarlet Planet mat will be released in all sizes.

    On my blog find the latest on their Kickstarter.

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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #33545
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    Breaking News: Kraken Wargames starting their Kickstarter for Gaming Mats. More on the Kickstarter page or my blog.


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    in reply to: Roland's Mini Reviews #33531
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    Thanks for the support and kind words. Parasites as you call them Lagartija Mike happen all the time. I attribute it to mistakes being made at childhood level but “not my circus, not my monkeys” and there is always room for a little fun on the go.

    Anyways: Two Kickstarters being presented today and they are both recommended by the one that is me. Have a look for yourself.

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    in reply to: Forums and arguments. #11694
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    Personal attacks of course are not “sporty” and should be moderated. I was asuming that two people are capable of exchanging viewpoints and making their own one clear to the other party in a civilised way.


    Yes I do know I have high hopes for some forums but hopefully it will eb the norm here rather than the exception. Not that I have doubts but….

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    in reply to: Forums and arguments. #11663
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    Not needed and counterproductive imho.

    If someone is not mature enough to witness other opinions then they fail at life. The “agree with me or be gone” rule is against the idea of a forum.

    To me in a forum people come together and exchange opinion. It is not for some of them to get a pat on the shoulder for “how good they are”. Just my opinion though.

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