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  • in reply to: Painting 6mm german Sturmtiger #172993
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    I once took a one week technical course on colour for work. Not quite as boring as it sounds (I actually rather enjoyed it) but one could sum it up as “matching colours is fantastically difficult”. The first thing is that your photo in my screen looks quite fine to me. But obviously it looks somewhat different to you. Have a look at it under the type of lights you game under. Might help? Personally, I’d slop on a wash, maybe brown, probably black. It would help pick out all those gorgeous GHQ details, as well as darken the camo up a bit. By that time of the war, German colours weren’t very consistent between batches or factories. That may make things more palatable to you?

    Tony, thanks for the tip about using a black wash. I have just done that on my model and it looks way better. I can see so much more details. It’s not dry yet but when it will be, I will give another two layers of matt varnish.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Big mistake while modeling my WWII aircrafts #172963
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    Very nicely done Stug! The star looks like a decal to me.

    Thanks. A few weeks ago, I have ordered 6mm decals for the german and americans but after destroying a few, I decided to they were too small and that I wont use any. I think I will use the same technique with the germans.

    Cool looking model.

    Thank you. It’s not completely accurate because I should add a red star on each side of the tail and two red stars under the planes but I will let it like it is. With the lighter color under the plane, I think it will be more visible that it was painted by hand.

    in reply to: Creating a rock wall #172956
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    Lollipop sticks?

    You mean the rounds sticks or the popsicle kind?

    As somebody who has had to do a bit of walling, remember the stones aren’t normally as big as a vehicle wheel 🙂 For scale, think of them as averaging about the size of a head of a figure at that scale 😉 But seriously it looks good. Go for it

    Thanks for the info. Yes you are right. Next time, I should be more cautious about the size of the stones. It was just a test so I wont use this piece of wall finally.

    Very good! The coulour of stones may depend on the area. In some places (as where I live) you could have stones of slightly different colours, some may be blue-ish, others red-ish, or almost yellow… It would not do good to exaggerate this, but some slight shades can help.

    Thanks. Next time, I will add more color variation. I was thinking about adding also a bit of green to make it looks like mosses were growing between and on the stones.

    in reply to: Using cloth to build a World War II terrain #172954
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    Look up deep cut studio. I have a couple I bought from meeplemart in Toronto. Their stock is hit or miss but you could order from the manufacturer. You can also get different materials, including fabric.

    Thanks for the link but I think I will make my own cloth.

    I tart up flannel bedsheets with rattle cans and a light sprinkle of fine flock (sealed w/pva). A couple tables/examples*: I lay on roads (weedblock+caulk) for those 15mm games but plan to just sprinkle on ballast for the planned 6mm tables – similar to the paths/sunken roads in the photos. Specific areas are easy to delineate with groundcover/ballast.

    I Want to build a cloth similar to yours because it’s simple and I really like how it looks.

    1. What kind of flannel bedsheets did you use? Is it possible to show me some pictures or if you can find a link on amazon it would be great.

    2. Do you have other photos of your cloth for inspiration?

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Using cloth to build a World War II terrain #172939
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    I have checked the two websites (tinywargames and geekvilains) and I can’t find one that fit what I want. I want a cloth with no road, rivers or villages printed. I just want a cloth with different color variations (green, brown) so I can use it for all my games and add my rivers and roads on top.

    in reply to: Creating a rock wall #172920
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    Your test looks pretty good. Assuming 1/285 scale, a three foot wall would be about .126″ or about 1/8″ tall, 6 foot is twice that, eight foot would be .336″. Thickness could be anything from about ten inches up to a couple of feet, or more. A ten inch thick wall would be under 1/16″ in scale and really hard to work with.

    I might base them on strips of .03 or .04 inch sheet styrene plastic maybe 1/4 to 3/8 wide, sanding the edges of the plastic to blend into the base terrain. I would probably give the foam a coating of either an acrylic paste or matte medium to make it a little more resistent to damage;

    The wall sections could be coated on the bottom with matte medium and then superglued to the bases, or glued with matte medium or white or tacky glue.

    A problem with the foam walls is that they are very light weight, so can easily be diplaced with a light touch. I’d be looking for ways to add some weight to the sections, though at this scale, there isn’t a lot that can be done. Resin can be impregnated with metal powder, bases could be made of brass strips, etc.

    Wow thanks for all the info. I am posting a new picture of my wall once cut to give an idea of its height compared to some of my vehicules.

    I need to find some materials to create a base and also a way to add some weight to this base because, like you said, it’s very light. The base should be thin and add some weight. Maybe I could glue some dried clay on top of the base (see one of my earlier thread about using real soil to create terrain).

    We don’t see as many color variation in the bricks as the photos I posted before because I used too many paint while drybrushing. So I shoul repaint my wall again because of my mistake. I also need to do the other side but first, lets find a proper base to glue my wall.

    in reply to: Big mistake while modeling my WWII aircrafts #172904
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    Thanks everyone for all the links and tips. I will check all of them but I think I will go with a clear rod.

    Finally, after adding putty and two layers of black primer, we can’t see which of my aircrafts have been screwed 😉

    I have little touch-ups to do because the paint on the edges of the wings is disappearing. I didn’t want to buy decals so I decided to paint the red star and I must say that from a few inches away, we can’t really tell it was painted.

    Here is a picture of my russian Yak completed. I tried to match my painting with the picture below.

    in reply to: Using cloth to build a World War II terrain #172875
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    Far easier to buy a ready printed one(s). 🙂

    Do you know of any companies that sell realistic cloth to use in my WWII wargames?

    in reply to: Using cloth to build a World War II terrain #172857
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    I want to see more WWII cloths for inspiration 🙂

    in reply to: Are you a 6mm WWII wargamer? #172855
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    Why would you be blocked?

    Because it’s kind of a self-promotion for my group outside of this forum.

    Finally, I have deleted my Facebook group and my Facebook account. I had three warnings just yesterday for petty things so adios Facebook.

    Is it possible to delete this thread? Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Are you a 6mm WWII wargamer? #172794
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    Anyone else interested in joining us?

    in reply to: Are you a 6mm WWII wargamer? #172647
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    6mm WW2 is one of my things. Saves space.

    That’s exactly one of the reason I went with 6mm. It saves space, is less expensive and it will allow me to create bigger battles and terrains.

    Why not join my group? The group is growing fast.

    in reply to: Are you a 6mm WWII wargamer? #172587
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    Thank you very much. I have put the link in the first post of this thread. I hope everything is ok.

    in reply to: Are you a 6mm WWII wargamer? #172583
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    That’s fine dude. No worries.

    You mean I can post the link here?

    in reply to: Are you a 6mm WWII wargamer? #172579
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    Why would you be blocked?

    Because it’s kind of a self-promotion for my group outside of this forum.

    in reply to: Using cloth to build a World War II terrain #172491
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    I tart up flannel bedsheets with rattle cans and a light sprinkle of fine flock (sealed w/pva). A couple tables/examples*: I lay on roads (weedblock+caulk) for those 15mm games but plan to just sprinkle on ballast for the planned 6mm tables – similar to the paths/sunken roads in the photos. Specific areas are easy to delineate with groundcover/ballast – At the end of the day it is easy to sweep up/collect it into a bag, and the little bit that’s left behind just becomes scatter for the next game! *from and

    Wow, I really lime your terrain. Ok so you glue roads and rivers on your tarp or if you just put them on top of it?

    For me, I would like to be able to switch fiels, roads, rivers, forest, buildings in every game.

    That’s exactly the kind of terrain I would like to create.

    in reply to: Using cloth to build a World War II terrain #172486
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    I would buy a large dust sheet dye it a suitable green, paint on roads and fields using acrylic paint. I made one 10 years ago and it has a multitude of uses. Smaller sizes are available, mine is 10 x 10 foot.

    Do you have pictures of your cloth to give me inspiration?

    in reply to: Using real soil for substrate #172275
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    I have all the equipments, but no soil.

    Go near a farm and take a soil sample. It took me 15 minutes yesterday.

    in reply to: Using real soil for substrate #172269
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    Finally, I have bought polyfilla, a sieve and something to crush clay into dust. It will be a long work.

    For me, I like when a wargaming terrain looks realistic. I have played only two games in the past but I must say that building terrain is also a lot of fun.

    in reply to: Using real soil for substrate #172257
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    I am following the advice of a guy who does awesome and very realistic World War II terrain. He told me to go search for soil on a farm, to break it down, dry it, break it down again until it becomes likes a powder. That’s what I want to do.

    Here is a photo of his terrain.

    Here is a video of another technique with tile grout I have just discovered and want to try.

    in reply to: Choosing a World War II rulebook #171318
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    Hi. I have three options. I bought the first two books.

    1. Flames of War, 4th edition.

    2. World War II Micro Squad Game.

    3. Someone also sent me a pdf copy of Battlegroup rulebook.

    in reply to: My journey as a new WWII wargamer #170864
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    And you say this is all new to you? Seems as good, or better than I’ve seen from gamers with years of experience! Nicely done!

    Wow, thank you very much for the kind words. Yes I am new to this hobby but I started building model railroading n scale building last year only. I read and watch lots of videos to improve my skills. And most important, I practice and make trials and errors.

    I am still painting my evergrowing german army but I decided that I want to start building terrain too. This will give me the chance to start playing.

    Here are a few photos of my first tile. There will be hills with lots of trees and a little road in the middle.

    in reply to: My journey as a new WWII wargamer #170342
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    I am making some progress with painting my german army. Still lots of work to do. And I have not started my terrain yet.

    Painting my russian army will be done a little bit later. I want to paint a few russian units and build some terrain before painting the rest of the units. This way, I would not have to wait a few months before playing my first game.

    in reply to: How to store my miniatures safely? #169526
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    Where can I find steel paper in Canada? Never heard of that before.

    I have just found this video about another system. What do you think? Have you used it?

    in reply to: Searching for 6mm WWII buildings, bridges … #169514
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    Leven Battlescale Total Battle Miniatures All in the UK though, you are Canada based?

    I am Canada based. It’s normally way cheaper for me to order from Canada and the US because of the money conversion and the shipping cost.

    in reply to: My journey as a new WWII wargamer #169466
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    Here is a building I have just finished painting and varnished. I have a few other buildings, lots of railroads, bridges, rock walls and a lots of vehicules and infantry to paint.

    in reply to: Facebook vs Forums for Wargames #169465
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    I have just deleted my account a few days ago. I have joined a few Facebook to learn about miniatures wargaming. Like someone said, you have to join several groups and that’s where the problem begin. You receive notifications every time someone replied with one word.

    There are not really discussions and your posts disappear in a sea of other posts so, after a few hours it become impossible to found your post.

    The only thing I would like this forum to have is an easy way to click on my profile and be able to find all my posts and threads all in one place. That would be a great improvement.

    Other than that, this forum is very helpful for me because I am just a newbie. Everytime, I ask a question, I receive lots of useful advices.

    So I am very happy to be here and I hope that way more people will leave Facebook and the other asocial networks.

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    Why not download both and have a read? GHQ publishes them for free as PDFs on Wargame Vault here From what I can see (and I’ve not played this scale or period for many a year): Micro Armour 1 sq. inch stand = 1 platoon 1 inch of terrain = 100 yds/meters 1 turn = 3 minutes battle time MicroSquad 1 miniature = 1 vehicle/weapon, 1 inch = 25 yds/meters, 1 turn = 1 real time minute How that plays out to your figures and basing depends on the answers to ‘madman’ above. Sorry – I’m having forum issues and may not be able to post links as links and my BBCodes is rusty…

    Thanks for the infos but it’s too late. I have just ordered the MicroSquad book with a few models.

    in reply to: Best WWII miniatures wargaming blogs #168866
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    You have no idea the sadness Canadian Wargamers went through when our country got rid of the penny.

    I am canadian too. What about the 5 canadian cents? It’s about the same size and weight. I will be wargaming in 6 mm. There is not much space on a five cents for more than one maybe two infantry units.

    in reply to: Best WWII miniatures wargaming blogs #168843
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    If you are on Facebook there is this group: 6mm wargaming and terrain. There is a lot of inspiration there. I play the Battlegroup rules in 6mm, and it looks like this:

    Thanks for the info.

    Question: What kind of base did you use for basing your miniatures?

    in reply to: Best WWII miniatures wargaming blogs #168835
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    Wow, thanks guys. I will check all those links.

    in reply to: Pauls painting blog #168726
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    Not the best painter in the world but will share my sci-fi efforts here.

    You are underevaluating your talent (I don’t know if this word exist in english). You have a great talent and those little bears are really well painted. I am sure there are lots of people who would pay you for painting their miniatures.

    Keep up the good work!

    in reply to: My journey as a new WWII wargamer #168656
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    Excellent paint job!

    Thanks, I really appreciate. I must say that I am happily surprised with the result. With a little trials and errors, everything is possible.

    in reply to: My journey as a new WWII wargamer #168584
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    I just finished painting my five Jagdpanzer. They are now drying after I gave them a coat of Vallejo Matt Varnish. I have now found a way to make to improve the camouflage.

    Next project, the Hanomag Sdkfz251.

    in reply to: How to paint soft-edged camouflage? #168518
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    I’ve finished all my figures for years with just Vallejo Matt Varnish with totally happy results. I think you could skip the Krylon Fixatif. Photographing miniatures well is almost a separate hobby! Your first mini looks pretty good!

    Thanks. I am very happy with the result. I will then continue to use Vallejo Matt Varnish. It was my first try.

    And yes, I have difficulties taking picture of such small models 😉

    in reply to: How to paint soft-edged camouflage? #168511
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    Another method I use is after the dry light brushing of the camo brush or spray on an acrylic matt finish, then apply a “filter”. Basically very thinned oil paint. The great thing about a filter is that it both blends edges/softens them as well as gives a little bit of a tint. So, you can use different color to manipulate color and tone if you are not happy.


    When I finished painting this model, I sprayed it with Krylon Workable Fixatif. Once dried, I, for the first time, used Matt Varnish from Vallejo. The look is very good but now the Krylon bottle is almost empty and I would like to know if Matt Varnish would be sufficient to do the job alone?

    I should try your method also.

    in reply to: How to paint soft-edged camouflage? #168501
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    Here is the final result after painting my first 6mm german Jagdpanzer. The model looks way better than the photos.

    in reply to: Choosing a World War II rulebook #168480
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    Micro Armour the Game is available as a free pdf from GHQ site (“Resources”).

    Cool. Thanks for the info. I will check that.

    Step one is find an opponent and see if they are already playing X rules. If so start with them. You already have a fairly popular set of rules now I would just go with that and get a few games in. Then think on if the rules agree with your IDEA of how things should go (realism wise and playability wise). Then ask for suggestions based on what you may be finding lacking in the rules you have. Also check on line for other gamers’ “updates” or alternate rules. Not trying to be negative but I have been into micro armour gaming for 50 years. The rules I started out with don’t work for my interests and readings nowadays. I have probably about three dozen sets of rules and haven’t found the IDEAL ones yet and have started modifying ones I feel give a good start. This can be an ongoing and never ending situation. Just trying to help other guys not go down my seemingly endless road.

    Thanks for the advice. I don’t know anyone who plays miniatures. My goal is to learn to play solo and if I meet someone who plays too, cool. I saw a few books on playing miniature wargames solo.

    in reply to: How to paint soft-edged camouflage? #168479
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    Thanks guys. I think I spent around three hours painting this model. There has been some change because I painted some details, added mud on the tracks and use a matte varnish.

    in reply to: How to paint soft-edged camouflage? #168472
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    After painting my first 6mm Jagdpanzer for about one hour and a half, here is the result. Big difference between the before and after picture. I am not finished yet. I still need to paint the tracks and paint some little details .


    Way better

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