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  • in reply to: Non-nerd interests #202187
    Avatar photoThomaston

    From the book of nerdom.

    A nerd who tries to act and behave like a stud, partaking in sports and the cool things, attracting the elusive ‘girls’ or other similar fantastical creatures are still and will always be nerds. They are simply nerds who wears stud clothing and are on the inside and in private a nerd.

    Nerdom is a state of mind. It is the deepest truest understanding of man’s purest attempt to maintain his childhood pursuit of fun and games. It is the building block of modern society and may be as important as the foundation of modern civilisation it self. It is therefore every man’s duty to embrace nerdistism for the good of mankind and pursue it with all his might, sparing nothing, but the odd days he has to do a favor for the dreaded mother in law.

    -General Sir Reginald of Armchair

    in reply to: What's on your painting desk/table/corner #201862
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    Not something I did recently, but something I wanted to share. An evolution of scifi goblins I made before. These are roughly 4mm tall. They’re meant to be used on 28mm terrain because I got tired of making scale appropriate terrain. Even bought some 28mm animals t use as wildlife and cats as the ultimate monster for something like mice size Zona Alfa.

    Normal and ducking poses, I was trying to represent suppressed minis without markers.

    3D printed, it was kind of fun filing little chunks off the ears to make each more unique.

    Experimented with sculpting long fur, top of the right group, but it was so much work only one of them got the treatment, he’s Old Fuffy.

    in reply to: Dremmel ? #201859
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    I simply bought a flexible lead attachment for my drill. The flexible lead was a lot more controllable. I bought it to work on Odzial Osmy minis and have used it on plastic. I don’t recommend it though since even on the slowest setting it melt sprue and a little slip results in a big damage.

    in reply to: Scatter Supplier #201386
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    Renedra has a set of plastic barrels and their ruined buidings has usable parts for random scatter.

    in reply to: 3mm Scale Terrain From Leftovers #201217
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    You could easily achieve the slanted effect with normal grid style by covering the board with cloth so it’s angled.  You’ll need a larger board than the area you want to play with but that might not be a problem with modular boards. The cloth area could be for unit stats etc as well.

    I’m with DSG and irganic looking city gives much better line of sight challenge than angling.

    in reply to: Enough Already with the 3mm Scale Warmaster #201082
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    You’ve just sold me on using spray for terrain from now on.


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    Trumpeter is another company that does aircraft in that scale. They have a wider range and better landing gears than simple pegs.

    Will you be using these individually or to represent divisions?


    in reply to: Imperial Horizons #200231
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    I agree with the 2 heavy tanks. I wish I could paint like that, but I think its the basing that enhance it all.

    in reply to: A Tale Of Two Tortles #200230
    Avatar photoThomaston

    These look great. Is there a shot of the turtle’s shell?

    I like the size difference of the characters, makes them look more real somehow.

    The basing looks nice too, did you highlight the flock at all or did they come like that?

    in reply to: What is your favourite “bad” tank? #200192
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    Everyone went with WWII, I’m going to say something modern.

    Wiesel AWC, that thing is as cute as a Vickers MKVI.

    in reply to: Free EPIC Hannibal sprue out in UK #200031
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    Ok, you got me interested, what game is it for?

    Searched the website and found an article on Epic Hail Caesar, is this the game?

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    Don’t know if you’ve heard of Oak & Iron. It has some nice ships that might give you more options. Their ships are 1/600 so I don’t know how they compare in size or price.

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    The 95th Rifles at Tarbes, 20 March 1814, are supposed to have advanced in massed open order (whatever that was) on Harispe’s Division defending either side of a windmill near Orleix and driven it off. How much was due to their shooting and advance and how much to Harispe realising he was about to be outflanked by 6th Div and Somerset’s cavalry is moot. The 95th did not follow up Harispe’s withdrawal, leaving that to others which suggests they were not in good order and Harispe’s Division was intact and under control.


    I was going to bring up Sharpe, but I guess we’re all going by historical examples. Come to think of it I can’t think of any in movies either. Seems like its actually the threat of close combat that actually breaks formations, the famous bayonet charge and stuff like that. I am often wrong though especuially when it comes to non-fiction.

    in reply to: Status Update #199739
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    It can’t hurt to take a dip into 6mm. A little test buy wouldn’t cost too much and there’s a lot available for scifi. For me the attraction of the smaller scales are terrain are easier to make/store.

    in reply to: Status Update #199681
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    Been thinking of redoing my 3mm colletion yet again. Increasingly want to get back to sculpting after getting some inspiration for medieval armored people and sailing age pirates, 6mm.

    in reply to: Another of Mike’s Moans #199352
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    Try here: dakkadakka Eiilf gives a quick overview about half way down – there’s much, much, much, much more somewhere. I’m sure there was a fair bit on Frothers but their forum is ‘currently unavailable’ and has been for a while – unlikely to ever come back although someone has renewed it AGAIN until 2025. PS Randomwombat or whatever it was seems to be KIA as well. Keep going Mike you’ll be last forum standing!

    Thanks for the link.

    The excuse about Chinese suppliers sounds like Grifta controller on kickstart around the same period.

    in reply to: Another of Mike’s Moans #199335
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    It doesnt need AI for that bobm, remember Defiance Games (what once was Wargames Factory after the first failure to scam enough people) and their vapourware figures?

    I’d love to read about this, can you privide link? Thanks.

    in reply to: What Ya Playin’ ? #198528
    Avatar photoThomaston

    My current obsession is Deathzap’s Tiny Wars.

    It’s so simple its hard not to like.

    And I even found it through this forum.

    Tiny Wars – Fantasy Skirmish The Rules

    in reply to: Visual Buy In #198527
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    This is a weird and thought provoking querstion for me. I started in scale models I appreciate realistic models like those from Plastic Soldier Company. Having said that when I see realistic models I tend to expect very realistic simulation to go with it so for miniature games I prefer cartoony miniatures that allow me to do silly things without thinking too much about it.

    in reply to: In defence of the forum #198278
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    Forums for the win.

    I’ve been following a long ass multi-year discussion on the NH90 helicopter and its failure. The chronology of information, specilation, validation and disproven as they become public can’t be matched by other formats. Blogs and articles can only be so long and they’re very limited by information at the time.

    in reply to: Armies that do not have identical squads? #197881
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    First thing that came to mind is French in Indo China. Might be a case of very non standard rather than standardized TO&E.


    One thing I noticed in Thailand was their army units are armed differently almost by region. In the East I saw HK (33 maybe 41) but in Bangkok (during the coup) and in the North I saw M16.


    You can google “Philippines Marines M14” and get a few images of troops with a mix of M16, M14 and some MG. Something about 7.62 and jungle fighting. This is probably closer to what you’re looking for, but I don’t think its standardized.


    A few years back they introduced M27 to replace M249 in infantry squads, M16 + M27, does that count? There were former Marines who said it was a backdoor way of getting piston-AR into the Corps, turnes out they were right.

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    @Mr. Average

    But that makes perfect sense.

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    @Andrew Beasley @Patrice

    I tried so hard not to mention weapon range. So many games uses 6″ move, 24″ standard weapon range…


    @Not Connard Sage

    I agree, embrace the fudge.

    I have my own issue with actual ground scale and using ‘meters’. I can’t imagine a unit of infantry or vehicle always being able to move at a specific speed every time through each type of terrain. Friction, command and control and all that made me move away from using any measurements at all. I like Crossfire’s solution or a few other games where I simply nominate a terrain feature and do a check to see if they made it there without interruption. I don’t care if my miniature troops get there by crawling, walking or running, I only need to know if they got shot along the way.


    @Roger Calderbank

    Yep, the rules were all skirmish rules. I get the table size argument, but most of these rules gave the table size for 28mm but not a recommended size for 15mm, only offering change in measuring unit. Its weird to me with 15mm being over half the size of 28mm but ‘cm’ is recommended for it skewing the ground scale from 28mm even more. It could have been something as simple half all measurements which would give a closer approximatoin of the reduced size but no ‘cm’ was recommended. Maybe its for ease of maths, no need to half the numbers? But like I saw in the original post keeping all measurment units the same seems more representative.

    I was going to mention ASOBH measuring sticks, but wanted to keep it short.

    Avatar photoThomaston

    Yeah, weird that. Wargames is the only time I even use inche. Now you got me thinking about millimeters.

    in reply to: I have a problem, need help! #195936
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    “everyone she knows who plays these “wargames” never spends time with their family, and they take it to the “enth degree” and it all ends up bad.”

    I think this is going to be a self fulfilling prophecy. Making that kind of ultimatum will eventually means he’s going pursue the hobby in secret and spend less time with the family instead of the family engaging in it with him.

    in reply to: My first rock cliff #195578
    Avatar photoThomaston

    Whoa, doesn’t look like foam at all I thought it was made from clay or even carved out of wood. Very nicely done.

    in reply to: My first rock cliff #195553
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    This looks very good. How did you make it? Is it heavy?

    in reply to: 6mm submarine #195552
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    Nice submarine. I like how you used several different shapes for it.

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    I didn’t see many tracers from the bombers, almost thought they don’t shoot back. Nice damage on the last bomber though.

    I’m aways curious about TV shows about the other side when it came to Band of brothers and Masters of the Air, but I doube Spielberg adn Hank will ever do the German perspective.

    in reply to: Warm Ale and Mud #195413
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    I’m intrigued at first by the campaign idea and maps, but then I spotted something incredible. Is that a 10mm chicken in Thule farm?

    in reply to: Full Tilt is back (well in PDF at least) #195295
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    Thanks, I like these little games more affordable and encourage conversion and scratch building.

    in reply to: Last fight of the Wildcats #195294
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    Thanks for the tip, Quest 2 is half the price and looks even more tempting.

    I got a new computer late last year for gaming, used it for less than a month so far. Not sure but I’m convince it should be able to handle VR.

    The thing about getting back into flight sims other that eh BR headset is all the controls and rudder pedels, although looks simple is crazy expensive.

    in reply to: Last fight of the Wildcats #195272
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    You vidoes are making VR very tempting. Seeing the price tag though saves me from a big spend so early in the year.

    in reply to: Relicblade #195271
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    Thanks for the explanation. Will check the free rules.

    in reply to: Last fight of the Wildcats #195248
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    A nice bunch of hits at around 8min. At first seeing the light white smoke trail I didn’t think it was much but the various reply shows quit a bit of damage.

    Did you find the canopy frame distracting at all? I keep focusing on all the nuts.

    in reply to: Relicblade #195217
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    Been hearing about this game on and off, any quick run down on how it play?

    Like that basilisk, the 4 eyes looks really good and set it apart from the usual monsters.

    Little Tiffany for a name?

    in reply to: Table-top Superbowl #195213
    Avatar photoThomaston

    Cool, do you have the rules? I’m tempted to run a mini league.

    in reply to: Size reduction for 15mm to 6mm #194389
    Avatar photoThomaston

    The only thing I can add is if you can find 6mm stl file of a figure, load it into the slicer along with the terrain, it’ll give a good idea of how the terrain will look next to minis. You can also offset the figure up by how many “mm” your base thickness is to get more accurate feel.

    If the 15mm is too thin you could could try scaling only the height to 60% while the horizontal dimensions could be larger to maintain wall thickness.

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