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  • Avatar photoWill Phillips

    I just sent out an email to those who have filled out the playtest form in the last two weeks, so you should have a link to the files now, Mike. Looking forward to your feedback.

    Primarily focused on 15XX, narrative skirmish rules for Renaissance Europe (, but continued dabbling in other RPG and miniature game projects

    Avatar photoWill Phillips

    Thanks for that, Guy! I hadn’t considered how that second sentence could have been read in that way.

    I”ll go update it to read (hopefully!) more clearly as:

    I’d like to keep the focus on the group (approx. 10-30 figures)  compared to rules where the focus in on the individuals (whether that’s a squad of heroes or a single leader/officer).

    Primarily focused on 15XX, narrative skirmish rules for Renaissance Europe (, but continued dabbling in other RPG and miniature game projects

    Avatar photoWill Phillips

    I guess with yours, how do you make say 10 main characters face any sort of challenge if they are facing less enemies? Especially if quasi historical and none of the individuals have super powers. Surely to have 10 heroes face just 2 enemies, those enemies would need to be inhuman?


    I don’t think I’m following you.

    These 15XX rules I’m working on don’t map well to your approach with Burning Sands (i.e. the asynchronous gameplay of a single hero or small party facing large hordes of bad guys).

    It’s a traditional setup: one party contests a space and tries to accomplish its goals while another party tries to stop them and achieve its own goals.

    Primarily focused on 15XX, narrative skirmish rules for Renaissance Europe (, but continued dabbling in other RPG and miniature game projects

    Avatar photoWill Phillips

    My rules are kind of that in reverse. It is about the individual (The Hero) vs the bad guy group (The Villains). It is fantasy with a desert theme and more spiel is HERE Winning and losing is kind of moot, if the hero is ‘killed’ maybe they are in fact knocked out and captured, so the next game is an escape/rescue game. It is pretty sandboxy and more of a toolkit than a steadfast set of hard rules.


    Without even clicking the link, I thought to myself… Burning Sands?

    The thing I really, really like what you’ve done, based on what I’ve read, is that you’ve broken the gameplay loop down into this micro-encounters deliberately to chain a few of them together in a single night of play to create a connected adventure, rather than a long battle over one objective.

    Primarily focused on 15XX, narrative skirmish rules for Renaissance Europe (, but continued dabbling in other RPG and miniature game projects

    Avatar photoWill Phillips

    Thanks, guys. If you’re interested in checking out the rules, I’d welcome feedback and some playtest game reports.

    Primarily focused on 15XX, narrative skirmish rules for Renaissance Europe (, but continued dabbling in other RPG and miniature game projects

    Avatar photoWill Phillips

    Will they work with 28mm?

    Yeah, they sure will. The rules are wholly scale-agnostic.

    I’m just using 15mm because I like the smaller footprint.

    I’ve got playtesters doing 28mm and even 10mm right now.

    Primarily focused on 15XX, narrative skirmish rules for Renaissance Europe (, but continued dabbling in other RPG and miniature game projects

    Avatar photoWill Phillips

    Thanks, Ian and Mike! Still a ways to go with the playtesting, but I’m glad to have found the forum here and will let people how things develop with the rules and public release / publishers.

    Primarily focused on 15XX, narrative skirmish rules for Renaissance Europe (, but continued dabbling in other RPG and miniature game projects

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