Loads of new books,( including some  super Napoleonic titles) and some rules too this week.

THE GRANDE ARMEE IN 1805: The Organisation, Orders Of Battle, Uniforms, Flags And Campaign Atlas./ Summerfield (S.). 208pp., 4to, over 700 illustrations fully illus.in colour with 360 uniforms, 260 uniform schema & details plus 58 orders of battle, 31 maps & 85 tables. 2024. This is the superbly illustrated reference book you will keep alongside any other history of the Ulm-Austerlitz campaign. It references exhaustive orders of battle, the composition of corps & divisions, the working structure of Napoleon’s army, how & where they marched towards their famous victory, maps galore, & of course most importantly, their flags, eagles & their uniforms. £45.00

WELCOME TO DYSTOPIA CITY: Fast play skirmish rules for near future urban warfare/Bollands, Wayne. -72p. Large format all colour  pbk.  These rules explore the day-to-day reality of living in a city surrounded by ruins, where humanity is packed together like the lowest beasts but those with the wealth can find more space than others.  Points/Equipment based  skirmish level game. Suitable for any scale Detailed background  to Dystopian  City  but can be used  for any setting £19.95

WARPAINT! Volume 2 :Plains Indian War Shirts and Warrior Society Regalia/Mike Blake. 120p.  hardback.  70 full colour plates by Mike .  Considers the special war shirts worn by warriors of the Plain’s First Nations, with the majority being given over to new full colour illustrations of surviving shirts now in collections all over the world. There are commentaries accompanying the plates, describing the materials used and some of the symbolism employed in the designs on them. plus  other regalia, Lance feathers  etc £29.50

NAPOLEON'S Bloody Big BATTLES! - pre order price-Mark Smith. From the designers of Skirmish Campaigns. NAPOLEON'S Bloody Big BATTLES! lets you refight sixteen of Napoleon’s most important battles from Austerlitz in 1805 to Waterloo in 1815. £23.50

WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY 130-Battles in Bavaria this region in southern Germany has seen its fair share of conflict over the centuries. From the ancient Romans to the Allied arrival in World War II, there's always been plenty to fight about. With 9 articles with the Battles in Bavaria theme from the Middle Ages to  WWII  30YW: WSS, etc £6.50

Bolt Action - US Rangers Warlord Games-

Enough plastic components to make 30 US Rangers miniatures, including bases.

A host of weapon and equipment options to allow for different weapon configurations and squads. £32.50 -can be post free world wide

Army of the Manchu Empire The Conquest Army and the Imperial Army of Qing China, 1600–1727- 272 pages, v well illus inc colour. new research on an army and military campaigns previously seldom described in English. He explains the development of the Manchu Conquest and Imperial Qing Armies and details the military system of Qing China, which until 1912 fought a variety of enemies ranging from Ming Chinese, Koreans, Mongols, Tibetans, Gurkhas, Burmese, and Vietnamese to Russians and Western Colonial armies. £21.50

IN A RAGING INFERNO Combat Units of the Hitler Youth 1944-45/

Hans Holzträger. 148p large format pbk 4 pages colour uniform plates, 104 b/w photos, 5 b/w illustrations, 3 b/w maps, 1 table. This book is the first English-language book ever to recount the story of the Hitler Youth and its combat role at the end of World War II. During the desperate final months of the Third Reich boys (and girls) as young as ten were thrown into action against the advancing British, American and Soviet armies, frequently fighting with a fanatical and suicidal fury. £19.50


Valentine (E.) D.Noble & C.S.S.Parsons.178pp., 4to, facsimile of 1968 edn.of Rapiers, original illustrations, considerably enhanced with 122 additional colour illustrations. courtesy of Olympia Auctions. 2024. The basis of this publication is the original collector’s guide to rapiers by Eric Valentine plus a fine monograph on the history & use of the rapier by Duncan Noble. In addition is a small article by Parsons on rapier hilts. However, the real quality of this new edition is the addition of superb colour illustrations and informed descriptions courtesy of Olympia Auctions making this an essential companion for any collector or user of rapiers. £35.00

Tanks on Iwo Jima 1945/R Cansiere. Osprey NVG 329. An award-winning US Marine Corps armor historian's account of the role of US and Japanese tanks on Iwo Jima. Shipping now £12.50

Jamestown 1622 The Anglo-Powhatan Wars/ Osprey Campaign 40.  A dramatic illustrated exploration of the infamous massacre of 1622, and the events of a pivotal conflict in colonial American history. Shipping now £15.99

SWORD EXERCISES AND DESIGN FOR THE VOLUNTEERS/Marey. Summerfield (S.) Ed: 281pp., illustrated with the original plates from each volume plus additional photographs courtesy of Olympia Auctions. This volume deals with the sword exercise for the British cavalry, using a rare manual for the use of Volunteer troops (1795) and a reproduction of the most influential sword exercise manual by Le Marchant (1796) used throughout the Napoleonic Wars, plus an English translation of a later French manual which discusses the merits of different sword forms. £26.50

H31503 OPERATIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF PRINCE FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK, VOLUME ONE: 1757-1758.  / HOTHAM (C.) & S.SUMMERFIELD 171pp., 4to, colour portraits, 36 mostly coloured maps, 25 orders of battle, 5 tables. 2024. This is a remarkably handsome reprint of one of the most rare studies of the Minden phase of the Seven Years War by a serving British officer. The information, largely in diary form, is of huge significance and to make it accessible for a modern audience, Stephen Summerfield has written an introductory essay to set the narrative in its context as well as dividing the text into detailed section headings to ease reference. As well as this, the quality of the book lies in its beautiful - mostly coloured - maps, many from the original work but with numerous others added by Stephen. This is an expensive reprint to match the quality of the study, but you could always buy an original if you had a few thousand pounds and could find one! Volume 1 includes an additional anonymous eyewitness account of Leuthen. The main book covers such battles as Crefeld, Sandershausen & Lutterberg. £40.00

H31504 OPERATIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF PRINCE FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK, Volume Two 1759-1760  / HOTHAM (C.) & S.SUMMERFIELD 171pp., 4to, 29 mostly coloured maps, 26 orders of battle. 2024. Continuing the narrative, this volume covers the Bergen Campaign, crucially the Minden Campaign, plus Warburg. £40.00

H31505 OPERATIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF PRINCE FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK, Volume Three 1761-1763  / HOTHAM (C.) & S.SUMMERFIELD 179pp., 4to, 30 mostly coloured maps, 12 orders of battle. 2024. Completing the narrative with the siege of Kassel, the battles of Vellinghausen & Wilhelmstal,  £40.00

H31506 NAPOLEON'S STAFF OFFICER: THE MEMOIRS OF FRANCISZEK GAJEWSKI.  / Lalowski (M.) & J.North 240pp., 23 maps, 20 illus. 2024. Gajewski joined the Saxon Garde du Corps in 1809 then the 5th Polish Chasseurs in 1811. During 1812 he was a staff officer in Grouchy's Reserve Cavalry Corps before being assigned to Napoleon’s Imperial Staff. He was promoted to colonel and awarded the Legion of Honour for his heroic conduct at Dresden. He retired after the gruelling 1814 campaign. His unique memoir provides valuable insight into the life of a young staff officer in some of the most gruelling of Napoleonic campaigns. £26.50

H31507 MEMOIRS OF VICTOR DUPUY: French Light Cavalry Officer Of The First Empire.  / Roberts (R.) Ed: 274pp., 12 maps, 36 plates., 10 tables.  2024. We are delighted to welcome Ron Roberts to our family of authors, and particularly with this very important study. Victor Dupuy enlisted into the 11th Chasseurs a Cheval in 1798, reaching the rank of Marechal des Logis chef in 1804. He was wounded twice in 1805-07,  served as aide-de-camp to General Jacquinot 1809-1812, & was again wounded. He was promoted to Chef d'Escadron in the 7th Hussars after the burning of Moscow. He was wounded & captured at Altenburg in 1813, but rallied to Napoleon in 1815. This is military history and pure adventure at its best. £26.50

H31508 MOCIDADE PORTUGUESA 1) UNIFORMS OF THE PARAMILITARY  YOUTH ORGANISATIONS 1936-1974  / Manuel  Ribeiro Rodrigues 64p. v well illus  near mint pbk. Dual Portuguese/ ENglish text. Scarce £45.00

H31509 OPERATIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF PRINCE FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK : 3  Volume set  / Hotham &  Summerfield HOTHAM (C.) & S.SUMMERFIELD. 179pp., 4to, 30 mostly coloured maps, 12 orders of battle. 2024. Completing the narrative with the siege of Kassel, the battles of Vellinghausen & Wilhelmstal, £115.00

H31511 Panzer III vs T-34 Eastern Front 1941  / - Osprey DUEL 136  SHIPPING NOW £14.99

H31513 US Marine vs Japanese Soldier Saipan, Guam, and Peleliu, 1944  / - Osprey CBT 77 Shipping now £14.99

H31515 Germany's French Allies 1941-45  / - Osprey MAA 556 Shipping now £11.50

H31519 NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE 15 : Wellington's Spy Masters: The Reports Of Colonel John Grant And Captain Lewis Ruman.  / Burnham (R.) & G.Glover (Eds) 272pp., 25 tables, 9 maps. 2024. Retired US Army Military Intelligence Officer Bob Ruman uses his practical experience to examine the methods employed by two British intelligence officers in the Napoleonic Wars. This is based upon his discovery in 2021 in the Portuguese Military Archives of almost 150 letters by Lt.Col.John Grant &  Captain Lewis Ruman. These letters speak of operational details & intelligence upon the French taken from within French occupied Spain. £26.50

H31520 NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE 16: Memoirs Of Lt-Gen Henry Clinton's 6th Division.  / Glover (G.) Ed: c.320pp., some illus. 2024. This is the second of a series bringing numerous small memoirs or series of letters from a single brigade or division to allow in depth comparison of the actions of these formations. They primarily cover the Peninsular War, but some also cover in depth Home Service, service in Egypt in 1801 and indeed some go on into the 1815 campaign. It contains no less than 14 accounts covering soldiers from the following regiments: 61st, 2nd, 36th, 42nd, 79th, 91st. £26.50

H31521 SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL 14: Smoothbore Artillery Tables By Sir Howard Douglas, Gerhard Von Scharnhorst And The Royal Artillery.  / Summerfield (S.) Ed: 150pp., 4to, 232 tables, 9 figs., 41 plans & 55 photos., P.B. 2014. Douglas' c.1810 paper study on the bombardment of troops by British artillery; ranges of British ordnance 1736-1871; letter by Arthur Wellesley c.1797 advocating horse artillery for India; Von Stephen’s translation of the very rare Scharnhorst's Artillery Tests of 1813; Royal Laboratory papers mostly 1780s & 1790s for instruction in the construction of artillery shot & shell. £20.00